Tammy's Torah Tidbits for Tots - Chukat-Balak

This week’s Torah Portion:  Chukat-Balak


A lot of stuff happens in the Torah this week: Miriam dies, Moses strikes a rock and brings forth water from it, Aaron dies, and – of course – there’s a plague. But one thing stood out to me –The story of the Red Heifer. Basically, the children of Israel were commanded to obtain a cow with no blemishes. The cow was then  ritually slaughtered and burned. The cow’s ashes were placed in a vessel containing pure water. Now, if someone came in contact with a corpse they were deemed unclean because – well, you know – Yuck. In order to clean the person, the cow-ash-water was  sprinkled on him or her. Probably not the best story for preschoolers, but it does give us something to think about.


How do we teach children to stay clean and protect themselves during this time of COVID-19?


Now is the perfect time to teach about germs, and ways we can stay healthy like: eating healthy foods, covering our coughs and sneezes, not spitting or touching everything we see.


CLICK HERE for 20 Fun Ways to Teach Kids about Germs.
